VirtualMacOSX|提供Mac OS X桌面|支持iCloud|最低|$15.25

cera cera

VirtualMacOSX,提供Mac OS X桌面,支持iCloud,可通过VNC 或 TeamViewer 连接。

Hosted on Xeon Equipped Macintosh Server Hardware
2 GB/2 CPU Core i7/Xeon
Latest OS X
24/7 Root Access
40 GB Storage (Upgrades Available)
iCloud Enabled
Connect to your Remote Desktop Environment from any VNC OR TeamViewer capable device
Unlimited Access
Cancel Anytime

Dedicated Plus
Hosted on Xeon Equipped Macintosh Server Hardware
2.5 GB/2 CPU Core i7/Xeon
Latest OS X
24/7 Root Access
40 GB Storage (Upgrades Available)
iCloud Enabled
Connect to your Remote Desktop Environment from any VNC OR TeamViewer capable device
Unlimited Access
Cancel Anytime

Dedicated Pro
Hosted on Xeon Equipped Macintosh Server Hardware
3 GB/2 CPU Core i7/Xeon
Latest OS X
24/7 Root Access
40 GB Storage (Upgrades Available)
iCloud Enabled
Connect to your Remote Desktop Environment from any VNC OR TeamViewer capable device
Unlimited Access
Cancel Anytime


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