|教程|使用Rclone挂载Google Drive到云主机|VPS 扩容硬盘

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Rclone是一个 Github 上面的一个开源项目,专门开发用来在 Linux 上面同步文件/文件夹,上传的一个命令行工具。目前很多人喜欢用 VPS 做离线下载,不过由于有的服务器硬盘太小了,我们可以通过挂载Google Drive网盘的方法,实现扩容。(Google Drive 有 15G 免费的空间,也可以去某宝购买一个无限空间的账号,理论上能够实现无限存储)


本教程仅在 CentOS 7 下测试成功,其他版本并未测试仅供参考;

首先安装 EPEL 源:

  1. yum y install epelrelease


  1. yum y install wget unzip screen fuse fusedevel


  1. cd /usr/local
  2. wget wget https://downloads.rclone.org/v1.47.0/rclone-v1.47.0-linux-amd64.zip
  3. unzip rclonev1.47.0linuxamd64.zip
  4. mv rclonev1.47.0linuxamd64 rclone
  5. cd rclone

目前最新版本是 1.47.0,rclone 会随时间推移而更新,可以到 rclone 官网 查看最新版本然后替换地址即可;

运行 Rclone 开始配置:

  1. chmod +x rclone
  2. ./rclone config

第一步选择 n(新建),然后回车输入一个 name(名字),例如:这里我创建的名字为 gd

  1. No remotes found make a new one
  2. n) New remote
  3. s) Set configuration password
  4. q) Quit config
  5. n/s/q> n
  6. name> gd

这里选择你需要配置的存储类型,我这里选择 12(Google Drive),根据版本变化选择的序号会不同看清楚 Google Drive 再选择,如果要挂载其他的选填数字即可:

  1. Type of storage to configure.
  2. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default (“”).
  3. Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
  4. 1 / A stackable unification remote, which can appear to merge the contents of several remotes
  5. \ “union”
  6. 2 / Alias for a existing remote
  7. \ “alias”
  8. 3 / Amazon Drive
  9. \ “amazon cloud drive”
  10. 4 / Amazon S3 Compliant Storage Provider (AWS, Alibaba, Ceph, Digital Ocean, Dreamhost, IBM COS, Minio, etc)
  11. \ “s3”
  12. 5 / Backblaze B2
  13. \ “b2”
  14. 6 / Box
  15. \ “box”
  16. 7 / Cache a remote
  17. \ “cache”
  18. 8 / Dropbox
  19. \ “dropbox”
  20. 9 / Encrypt/Decrypt a remote
  21. \ “crypt”
  22. 10 / FTP Connection
  23. \ “ftp”
  24. 11 / Google Cloud Storage (this is not Google Drive)
  25. \ “google cloud storage”
  26. 12 / Google Drive
  27. \ “drive”
  28. 13 / Hubic
  29. \ “hubic”
  30. 14 / JottaCloud
  31. \ “jottacloud”
  32. 15 / Local Disk
  33. \ “local”
  34. 16 / Mega
  35. \ “mega”
  36. 17 / Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  37. \ “azureblob”
  38. 18 / Microsoft OneDrive
  39. \ “onedrive”
  40. 19 / OpenDrive
  41. \ “opendrive”
  42. 20 / Openstack Swift (Rackspace Cloud Files, Memset Memstore, OVH)
  43. \ “swift”
  44. 21 / Pcloud
  45. \ “pcloud”
  46. 22 / QingCloud Object Storage
  47. \ “qingstor”
  48. 23 / SSH/SFTP Connection
  49. \ “sftp”
  50. 24 / Webdav
  51. \ “webdav”
  52. 25 / Yandex Disk
  53. \ “yandex”
  54. 26 / http Connection
  55. \ “http”
  56. Storage> 12

接下来会叫选填 Google Application Client ID 和,这里 2 项都留空回车即可:

  1. Google Application Client Id
  2. Leave blank normally.
  3. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default (“”).
  4. client_id>
  5. Google Application Client Secret
  6. Leave blank normally.
  7. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default (“”).
  8. client_secret>

rclone 在请求从驱动器访问时应使用的范围,这里选 1 即可

  1. Scope that rclone should use when requesting access from drive.
  2. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default (“”).
  3. Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
  4. 1 / Full access all files, excluding Application Data Folder.
  5. \ “drive”
  6. 2 / Readonly access to file metadata and file contents.
  7. \ “drive.readonly”
  8. / Access to files created by rclone only.
  9. 3 | These are visible in the drive website.
  10. | File authorization is revoked when the user deauthorizes the app.
  11. \ “drive.file”
  12. / Allows read and write access to the Application Data folder.
  13. 4 | This is not visible in the drive website.
  14. \ “drive.appfolder”
  15. / Allows readonly access to file metadata but
  16. 5 | does not allow any access to read or download file content.
  17. \ “drive.metadata.readonly”
  18. scope> 1

选填文件夹 ID 和帐户凭据 JSON 文件路径,这里我都留空回车的

  1. ID of the root folder
  2. Leave blank normally.
  3. Fill in to access “Computers” folders. (see docs).
  4. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default (“”).
  5. root_folder_id>
  6. Service Account Credentials JSON file path
  7. Leave blank normally.
  8. Needed only if you want use SA instead of interactive login.
  9. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default (“”).
  10. service_account_file>

问你是否要编辑高级配置,这里我选择 N

  1. Edit advanced config? (y/n)
  2. y) Yes
  3. n) No
  4. y/n> n

是否自动远程配置,这里选择 N,因为你在手动远程配置

  1. Remote config
  2. Use auto config?
  3. * Say Y if not sure
  4. * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine
  5. y) Yes
  6. n) No
  7. y/n> n

接下来会给出 Google Drive 的授权地址,把它复制到浏览器打开,按提示登陆,复制获取到的代码,然后返回 SSH 粘贴后回车

  1. If your browser doesn‘t open automatically go to the following link: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?access_type=offline&client_id=202264815644.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&response_type=code&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fdrive&state=55663e7e07382e3dddb9025c86de4f
  2. Log in and authorize rclone for access
  3. Enter verification code> 4/UQGiRz375eb-OixO5EUtZMxBhJwAQ4zOyvA1wtJWKq2Ocmzh3zNYE

问你是不是将其配置为团队网盘,这里选 N

  1. Configure this as a team drive?
  2. y) Yes
  3. n) No
  4. y/n> n

列出你上面修改的配置信息,问你是否删除、编辑或者确定配置信息,这里选择确定 y

  1. ——————–
  2. [gd]
  3. type = drive
  4. scope = drive
  5. token = {“access_token”:“ya29.GlsQByNiBURlXoPpe-bDpa2kF99Jo4rrmjicBXdWIT6loPUhS7SJ9XWUIk2LP4vO231nra_zpUwHn6no0Y_LBbXYFZvyVf0gRthepF2VuPFdhBFEKY7XYJaelt”,“token_type”:“Bearer”,“refresh_token”:“1/ry1JGhRiqqE6-PqRN-S2icZ_Oz9uOTXfSNxWA85zUnjU5gEm-6TejL6o-hjyuY”,“expiry”:“2019-05-21T04:36:23.300542043-04:00”}
  6. ——————–
  7. y) Yes this is OK
  8. e) Edit this remote
  9. d) Delete this remote
  10. y/e/d> y

问你是否修改、删除、退出配置编辑,这里选择退出 q

  1. Current remotes:
  3. Name Type
  4. ==== ====
  5. gd drive
  7. e) Edit existing remote
  8. n) New remote
  9. d) Delete remote
  10. r) Rename remote
  11. c) Copy remote
  12. s) Set configuration password
  13. q) Quit config
  14. e/n/d/r/c/s/q> q

到这里结束配置 rclone,下面要把 Google Drive 网盘挂载到云主机/Vps 上和设置开机自启,自动挂载 Google Drive 网盘


  1. mkdir p /home/gdrive


  1. ./rclone mount gd: /home/gdrive allowother allownonempty vfscachemode writes

gd 为 Rclone 的配置名称,比如你在创建配置 rclone 的时候 Name 填的 gd,/home/gdrive 为本地路径;


  1. ./rclone mount gd:backup /home/gdrive allowother allownonempty vfscachemode writes

gd:backup gd 为 Rclone 的配置名称:backup 为网盘里的目录名

卸载 Google Drive 磁盘

  1. fusermount qzu /home/gdrive

挂载只要几秒钟,但终端不会返回成功信息,关闭 SSH 重连即可。


  1. df h

有看到 gd,15G 硬盘,使用量和本本地主机路径即成功挂载

  1. gd: 15G 1.1M 15G 1% /home/gdrive

接下来设置开机自动挂载,先把 rclone 的可执行文件复制到/usr/bin:

  1. cp /usr/local/rclone/rclone /usr/bin/rclone

新建一个/usr/lib/systemd/system/rclone.service 文件内容为:

  1. [Unit]
  2. Description=rclone
  4. [Service]
  5. User=root
  6. ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone mount gd: /home/gdrive allowother allownonempty vfscachemode writes
  7. Restart=onabort
  9. [Install]
  10. WantedBy=multiuser.target


重载 daemon,让新的服务文件生效:

  1. systemctl daemonreload

用 systemctl 来启动 rclone

  1. systemctl start rclone


  1. systemctl enable rclone


  1. systemctl stop rclone
  2. systemctl status rclone


  1. reboot

重启后查看一下 rclone 的服务是否启动,GoogleDrive 是否正常挂载

  1. systemctl status rclone
  2. df h

OK ! 完成.

把文件上传到 Google Drive

为什么不直接把文件目录设置成挂载目录?如果直接把文件目录指定到挂载目录,会出现各种莫名其妙的错误,比如:文件无法写入、读取、保存到 Googlr Drive 的文件不完整等等奇葩的问题。

这里可以用同步命令,本地目录/home/backup 同步到网盘的 backup 目录

  1. rclone sync /home/backup gd:backup

相反,把目录调整下,就是把网盘 backup 目录同步到 VPS 目录/home/backup

  1. rclone sync gd:backup /home/backup

通过添加此参数 –ignore-existing 可以忽略在网盘上已备份的文件,这相当于增量备份

  1. rclone copy ignoreexisting /home/backup gd:backup

如果挂载 2 个网盘的话,可以同步配置名 gd2 的网盘里的 backup 目录,到配置名为 gd 的网盘的 backup 目录,反之亦然

  1. rclone sync gd:backup gd:backup

其他问题请参考 rclone 帮助文档 https://rclone.org/googlecloudstorage/

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