提醒|hostdare下线openvz VPS主机业务|到期不支持续费

cera cera

从hostdare官方了解到,商家不再提供openvz vps主机业务,已开通的主机到期将不再支持#续费#,在到期之前可以提交工单更换到KVM系列,不过计费则按照#KVM#系列套餐进行计费的哦,请有他家#openvz#系列VPS主机的用户做好相关数据的备份工作。


We will no longer offer openvz vpses . We recommend out customers to cancel their vpses once their payment term is over and get a kvm vps instead . Please send cancel notice to cancel the vps at the end of your payment term, please do not renew any of your openvz vpses .

We will offer you 15% discount if you want to convert your active openvz vpses to a ckvm vps ,just open a ticket .


Saturday, June 6, 2020

cera cloudiplc tengxunyun


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