SoYouStart ARMv7 2GB内存 2TB硬盘 法国独立服务器 测评

cera cera

更换内核解决速度问题:SoYouStart ARMv7存储型独服 内核限速问题的解决


CPU model            : ARMv7 Processor rev 1 (v7l)
Number of cores      : 2
CPU frequency        :  MHz
Total size of Disk   : 1843.2 GB (0.6 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 2021 MB (12 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 2046 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 0 hour 39 min
Load average         : 0.04, 0.10, 0.14
OS                   : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Arch                 : armv7l (32 Bit)
Kernel               : 4.5.2-armada375
I/O speed(1st run)   : 178 MB/s
I/O speed(2nd run)   : 177 MB/s
I/O speed(3rd run)   : 173 MB/s
Average I/O speed    : 176.0 MB/s
Node Name                       IPv4 address            Download Speed
CacheFly                       28.9MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP               4.18MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             3.35MB/s      
Linode, London, UK               34.7MB/s      
Linode, Frankfurt, DE            39.6MB/s      
Linode, Fremont, CA                4.50MB/s      
Softlayer, Dallas, TX            11.9MB/s      
Softlayer, Seattle, WA          8.44MB/s      
Softlayer, Frankfurt, DE            22.4MB/s      
Softlayer, Singapore, SG           5.33MB/s      
Softlayer, HongKong, CN          5.16MB/s


Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by Orange (Paris) [44.41 km]: 9.815 ms
Testing download speed.....................................
Download: 521.99 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed.......................................
Upload: 413.50 Mbit/s

详情:Kimsufi ks2 Atom N2800 4G内存 100M不限流量 法国 独立服务器 测评

4、硬盘 I/O 性能测试

dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k oflag=dsync
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 264.503 s, 1.0 MB/s

5、UnixBench跑分 网友的

Benchmark Run: Sun Jun 17 2018 10:28:21 - 10:56:44
2 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables        3639192.7 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                      641.9 MWIPS (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                                571.5 lps   (29.9 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks        105391.6 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks           31626.5 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks        238573.3 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                              197621.2 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                  57623.6 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                               1331.1 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                   1133.4 lpm   (60.1 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                    201.2 lpm   (60.2 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                         383243.4 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0    3639192.7    311.8
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0        641.9    116.7
Execl Throughput                                 43.0        571.5    132.9
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0     105391.6    266.1
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0      31626.5    191.1
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0     238573.3    411.3
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0     197621.2    158.9
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0      57623.6    144.1
Process Creation                                126.0       1331.1    105.6
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4       1133.4    267.3
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0        201.2    335.3
System Call Overhead                          15000.0     383243.4    255.5
System Benchmarks Index Score                                         205.3

Benchmark Run: Sun Jun 17 2018 10:56:44 - 11:25:08
2 CPUs in system; running 2 parallel copies of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables        7278508.4 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                     1283.7 MWIPS (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                               1021.7 lps   (29.9 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks        185645.0 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks           52799.7 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks        408280.3 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                              380406.0 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                 110925.9 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                               2118.4 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                   1469.8 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                    203.6 lpm   (60.3 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                         739135.7 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0    7278508.4    623.7
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0       1283.7    233.4
Execl Throughput                                 43.0       1021.7    237.6
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0     185645.0    468.8
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0      52799.7    319.0
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0     408280.3    703.9
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0     380406.0    305.8
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0     110925.9    277.3
Process Creation                                126.0       2118.4    168.1
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4       1469.8    346.7
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0        203.6    339.3
System Call Overhead                          15000.0     739135.7    492.8
System Benchmarks Index Score                                         346.6

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